Transferable Skills Document
Transferable Skills Document
Forget a cover letter. Your Transfer Skills document is a new format in town and frankly, it’s way better!
Curate your Transferrable Skills Doc with an expert Talent Partner!
Let us help you showcase the Transferable Skills you already have to crossover into the industry of your dreams!
Choosing to work in an industry does not commit you to a lifelong career in that space! People are moving across industries and pursuing side hustles in new industries like never before! But how do you demonstrate you're qualified to work in an industry without tangible experience? Soft skills are your ticket! Soft skills are the new Hard Skills. Leaders realize hard skills can be taught, but soft skills are often a natural talent, and finding it is not easy to spot just by looking at a resume.
That is precisely why we created The Transferrable Skills doc!
You need this if you are..
- Trying to break into a new industry, new career, or just transfer to a different department within your current organization
- Showcase why you are ready to level up your job title/seniority
- Score a side hustle
- Wanting to demonstrate a unique ability in a way a resume can’t
We can showcase your soft skills and transferable skills that make you a valuable asset to employers. We have reimagined the traditional resume and expanded its use and purpose. The Transferrable Skills doc breaks the confining bullet points and tells a story about what makes you a force in the workplace. Finally, you can go beyond listing your tasks and jobs, tell your story, demonstrate your strengths, and land your dream role!
Book time with us to start the process of making your own Transferrable Skills Doc.